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House of Spooks ~ Halloween Special

Hey guys. Happy Halloween! I'm super proud of this story, I just love how it turned out, and I hope you guys enjoy it too. I just give a really quick thank you to my awesome neighbors for letting me shot in this old house on their land. ❤️ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Any aces?" "Nope, go fish." "Hey, Em! You ready to go?" Emerson asked as she and Candy walked into the kitchen. Emily turned in her seat, "Emerson, I already told you, you're fourteen years old I'm sixteen years old. I'm not taking you trick-or-treating." "But Emily, Candy is still thirteen. This is her last chance to go out on Halloween, but her mom said she could only go if I went with her, and Mom said I can only go if you go!" Emerson argued. "Yeah, but Janet and I have plans." Emily replied. 'Where you going to play 'Go Fis

Pastels & Barn Board ~ A Photo Shoot

Every single one of those was edited differently. *Face palm*
Oh, welp.
Hey all! These pictures were inspired by the colours in Blaire's collection, and they were literally taken in the corner of my cousin's office:

 I am really liking using those Christmas lights in the back ground of my pictures. I think they look pretty cool. :)
Also, I am using a new trick.
I am having trouble being diligent in my school work, so I've decided to use my new doll as motivation.
I can't take pictures of her until I finish the math book I'm on.
I've just finished Lesson 96 out of 120 so I'm close, but I wanted to let you guys know. :)

P.S. I love reading long comments so if you have time write one in the comments, because I love chatting with you guys. <3

~ The Human 


  1. Love them! So pretty <3 LOL doll motivation, the best motivation XD so how have things been going? I hope all is well :) I've been back and forth all over the place since December, and I'll have to start getting things ready for a craft show I'll be taking my doll business to in April. Do you have any big plans coming up soon? We don't really have any at the moment, my Grandfather is in the hospital again so we're just kinda keeping our schedule clear just in case. I really want summer back XD hoping to work on my photography skills and get some posts out. I can't wait to see your new doll!!!
    -Katie :)

    1. Thanks! Ha ha, I agree. :)
      Pretty good here, but really really cold. I haven't been able to take many pictures of any dolls because it's so cold. XD That's cool! I think it's pretty neat that you run your own business. I hope you do well at the shows. (As I'm sure you will.) What kind of dolls to fix up the most often? IKR?! I want summer so bad! but were almost there. :) I am still praying for you guys and I hope you grandpa gets better soon. :D
      ~ The Human

    2. Oh yeah, I totally get what your saying XD it's no fun trying to take pictures in the cold, and I'm weird and don't like to gloves when using my camera so.... That usually results in some frosty fingers XD Thanks! Yeah it's pretty fun :) Thank you so much, we're hoping it's a good turnout. Last year it went really well, and this year my friend's going to do a table with her mom so I'm pretty stoked :) are you still doing your Etsy shop? Your doll clothing is literally the cutest! Ummm, I think the dolls I fix up most often are Our Generation and Disney dolls. I do quite a few baby dolls as well. I know!!! Summer is the best! When it's hot enough we go to a creek about an hour from my house and it's SO pretty! I'm going to try to take Addy and get some pictures of her there. Thank you! I really can't tell you how much it means to me that you've been praying :)
      -Katie :)

    3. Yeah, especial -30. Me too, I feel like I can't focus the camera properly when I'm wearing gloves. XD No, mostly I just sew for myself and for friends. Thank you. :) Cool, the other day I found an Our Generation doll for $3 but I didn't end up getting her. That's such a nice memory! A river runs through our land, we own land on both sides, and we have a cabin on the far side that we built. We stay there during the summer and it's so fun! I'm sure those pictures will be super pretty. :)
      ~ The Human

    4. Oh wow that's cold! it suppose to snow tonight, so it's probably going to drop temperature here too. Which also means the dance studio I go to is going to be REALLY cold tomorrow XD LOL same! Oh cool! No problem :) Nice! They're pretty good dolls, they have really great hair too. Yes, it's always a blast to go there :) That's so cool! it sounds like such a beautiful place to visit, and that cabin sounds epic! Thanks, I'm hoping to take lots of pictures this year and improve on photography, so hopefully they come out ok XD
      -Katie :)

  2. I can’t wait to see the new doll! Hurry up on that math!(that’s actually a really good idea because I do not like math) This photo shoot was so cute! I love the lighting. Have my comments been coming through? I haven’t seen them and I just assumed you were busy, but I just want to see if they’re coming through okay. In case they didn’t, I really like all of your posts since I last commented! I can’t believe you got Lanie-she’s awesome! My Lanie is probably my favorite doll. Also, you did a great job on Afton and I really like her personality. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but I switched my blog over to Wordpress! It’s actually a lot easier to manage. Anyway, I hope you have a great day!

    1. I know right! Get lost math! ;) Thank you, I had fun taking the pictures. No, I been haven't seen any of your comments for quite a while. I was wondering where you were, because I hadn't heard from you. Lanie is so pretty, I love her! Thank you, Afton's personality was very spur-of-the-moment. Hey cool! What do you like better about Wordpress? Could you leave me a link? I want to check it out. :)
      I hope you have an awesome day too!
      ~ The Human

    2. Aw! I quit commenting for a little while(life happens), but I started back around December. I wonder why they didn’t go through. The link is I like Wordpress mainly because everything can be linked to you. I prefer Blogger’s editor and design though. Wordpress is easier to advertise-since I added tags I’ve basically doubled my followers.

    3. Yes, I so know what you mean. That's so weird. I was going to say I've never had that before, but if they didn't go through I wouldn't know. XD Cool, I will definitely check that out. :) Yeah, I wish that someone would make a platform that took the good things from Wordpress and Blogger and put them together.
      ~ The Human

  3. I love these pictures! My favorites are 4,6,14,16, and 18! Also I completely understand not having motivation to do school work! It can be hard lol.

    1. Thank you! Yeah, I especially have trouble with math.
      ~ The Human

  4. Oh I love your photos, there so beautiful! I just love their clothes, and their hair, and the way the lights look! So cute!!!!!!!!!!
    TBH I hate math, but I still have to do it anyway. I think that is a great idea to use a new doll as motivation, I can't wait to take pictures of my new doll, and I haven't even got it yet. XD I think Kit look really cute in all the pictures. And speaking of which, I am about to buy myself a new AG doll. I'm going to name her Joe, I'll probably get Truly me™ #67 .

    Oh, and though I don't have a Blogger blog, I finally figured out how to give myself a profile! 🙂

    1. Thanks! I had so much fun setting this all up. :)
      Me too. Ha ha. I thought it might help me focus a bit more. That's so cool that you'er getting a doll! Will you posting about her on your blog? #67 is super pretty! I'm sure you'll love her!
      ~ The Human

    2. You're welcome!
      And yeah, I will (probably a lot) be posting about her. Well, okay, she will be the one posting about herself. She, and Logan will probably still the computer from me, and post a lot.
      I jut can't wait to get her!


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