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House of Spooks ~ Halloween Special

Hey guys. Happy Halloween! I'm super proud of this story, I just love how it turned out, and I hope you guys enjoy it too. I just give a really quick thank you to my awesome neighbors for letting me shot in this old house on their land. ❤️ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Any aces?" "Nope, go fish." "Hey, Em! You ready to go?" Emerson asked as she and Candy walked into the kitchen. Emily turned in her seat, "Emerson, I already told you, you're fourteen years old I'm sixteen years old. I'm not taking you trick-or-treating." "But Emily, Candy is still thirteen. This is her last chance to go out on Halloween, but her mom said she could only go if I went with her, and Mom said I can only go if you go!" Emerson argued. "Yeah, but Janet and I have plans." Emily replied. 'Where you going to play 'Go Fis

Lakeview County | Episode 1 {Season 1}| Meet the Family

Thirteen girls, and 4 months of quarantine mostly equals a whole lot of mischief.
Hello, I'm the Narrator, and I'll be your host for this week's episode of 'Lakeview County'.
Let's get acquainted with our stars, shall we? 

"Ugh, Charlie really thinks I'll wear this?"
Good morning, Taryn.

Taryn jumped, and looked around in surprise.
"Oh, you. You, um, you're here. Uh, OK." She stuttered.

Why don't you introduce yourself?
"Oh, OK. Well, my name is Taryn, and you're here really early, and Charlie is going to flip." Taryn said shaking her head, "Um, I guess let's go up stairs and tell her you're here already."


"Molly, I said wear something nice!" Chairle chided.
"Aw," Molly whined, "But what's wrong with this outfit?"
Charlie took a deep breath to steady her nerves. "Molly the cameras will be here in two hours and I want you looking presentable by then,"

"But Charlie." Molly said pointing to the camera.
"No more buts. This conversation is over. Go change."
"Charlie, just look!"

Charlie did look, and her eyes found Taryn.
"Taryn," She said in a voice of strained calm, "How many times did I tell you? Take. Off. That. Disgusting! Shirt!"

"It is not disgusting!" Taryn sounded highly offended. "Do you know how long it took me to create this stain collection?"

"And anyways, I going to get changed, but the camera interrupted me."
"Taryn, what are you talking about? The cameras aren't even-" 

When Charlie caught sight of the cameras that were indeed even, her face froze.
Taryn would have laughed if she hadn't know what was going to come next.

"Molly get down stairs and get changed! Taryn, go get that sweater on now! Molly, while you're down there get Claire! Hurry!"


After Molly had changed into a new outfit, she trudged down to the basement, looking for her sister.
"Claire?" She called, "You down here?" 

"Hmmm.... Just five minutes...."
"Claire! Get up!"

Claire jumped up, knocking her glasses askew.
"I was coming." She muttered crankily.

"Holy fish tacos! What have you done to your hair!?" Molly cried.

"What are you talking about?"

"Claire, you slept on your braids! Your hair is a mess now!" Molly said as she examined the damage.
"Don't sweat about it." Claire shrugged Molly off, "I'll get Charlie to redo it later, no big deal."

"You don't understand!" Molly took her by the shoulders and began to shake her, "The cameras came early! Charlie is flipping out!"
"Oh, nevermind then, I'm dead." Claire groaned.

But Molly's mind was already spinning.
"Maybe not... I think I have a plan."


"But Charlie, It's so wet outside and -"

"Lanie. I know you can't see it but the cameras are here and we've started filming. Today has gone kind of poorly so far, and I don't need two soggy sheep and a nanny goat thrown into the mix!"

"Aw." Lanie dropped a little, "Sorry guys. I guess you'll have to go back to the barn." She said to the animals.
The door closed behind Lanie, but it quickly reopened.

"If it's another stray animal that you want to adopt, then the answers is no, Lanie." Charlie sighed.

"Well I wasn't thinking of asking you," Heather, the next door neighbor, laughed, "But I could go try to find a dog if you want?"
"No, sorry Heather. Things just haven't gone very smoothly today, but I'm you and -"
Everyone jumped at the sudden clattering.

"Oops, sorry." June mumbled, "It was the umbrella stand."
"What happened?" Heather asked.

"You know how I get around cameras." June whispered, "I get all nervousness,and then I start getting clumsy, and why didn't you tell me we were filming today!?"
"I did." Heather replied, "Remember?"

Charlie sighed as the argument behind her continued. "Oh boy."


"It looks fine, now come on." Molly said.

"Really?" Claire asked, turning away from the mirror. "You don't think they'll notice the hat?"
"No, I would be surprised if Charlie noticed." Molly grinned reassuringly.


Carrie had arrived in the kitchen as well by now, and Charlie was beginning to feel optimistic again.
Then Amy came upstairs.
"Amy, what are you wearing?" Charlie groaned. 

"You said to wear something nice." Amy quoted, "But I can't find my shoes."
"Amy, dear, please go put on something else."
"OK," Amy said, bouncing away, "I'll go find my tiara."
"No, that's not what I meant."


Now the party consisted of all three neighbors, a stain-collection-less Taryn, and Lanie, with none of her animal companions.
Charlie smiled apologetically at the camera, "We're only missing Molly, Claire, Amy and -

"Hi, Charlie." Molly said as she ran up the stairs.
"What took you so long?"
"Um," Molly staled as she squeezed passed Charlie, "Stuff. I'm here now though."
"Where is Claire?"

"Right here!" Claire called as she followed Molly up the stairs.
"Um, Claire, what are you wearing?

"What do you mean?" Claire asked quizzically. 
"The hat, Claire." Charlie rolled her eyes.

Molly gestured frantically for Claire to stall.

"Uh, what hat?" Claire replied.
Charlie's eyes narrowed. "Take the hat off."
Claire's hair was a disaster.

Molly's facepalm was audible even over the din of the other's conversations.
Charlie was silent for a moment, then she said quietly, "Well, it's too late now, but why didn't you just ask me to redo it right away? It would have taken like, five minutes."

"Well, at least it can't get much worse. Now we're only missing..."

Afton's voice rang through the kitchen as she came up, still in her pajamas. "Guys? When are the cameras getting here? I still need to do my hair, and make-up, and pick an outfit and-" Then Afton noticed the camera.
Everything was silent for a moment.
Then Afton screamed and ran back down stairs.

Everyone watched for Charlie's reaction.
Charlie sighed in frustration and anger.


"Afton please come out. I'm really sorry I forgot to wake you up."
"I'm never coming out!" Afton's hysterical voice was muffled by her blanket. "I'm going to be on TV in my pajamas! My life is ruined!"
"Mine too." Charlie muttered.

"Charlie?" Taryn asked tentatively, "Are you OK?"
"Well," Charlie sighed, "I think we can chalk this day up to the biggest disaster ever. I was so excited to start this show off on the right foot, but it seems like we always have two left feet."

"Maybe not." Heather said softly.
"Maybe not what?" Carrie asked.

"Maybe this wasn't such a disaster." 
Everyone looked both confused, and incredulous. 
"Well, this show is supposed to be about the crazy things that we do every day right?"
Everyone nodded.
"Let's be honest this was just like any other day in this house. This is who we are and if people are going to watch this show, I want them to watch it because they like us and our craziness, not because they think we're perfect. So, what do you say Charlie?"

Slowly, a smile crept across Charlie's face.
"You guys are completely nuts." She shook her head, "But I love you, and I know everyone else will too."
She hopped off Afton's bed, and declared, "Let's finish this episode right!" 

"Hey!" Afton cried, as she notice the focus of the conversation wasn't her, "What about me?"


"Thank you all so much for tuning in this week," Charlie called, with a huge smile on her face, "And make sure to join us next week for more crazy adventures!"


  1. I love this! The personalities that you made for the dolls are fantastic. And Taryn's shirt is hilarious too.


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