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House of Spooks ~ Halloween Special

Hey guys. Happy Halloween! I'm super proud of this story, I just love how it turned out, and I hope you guys enjoy it too. I just give a really quick thank you to my awesome neighbors for letting me shot in this old house on their land. ❤️ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Any aces?" "Nope, go fish." "Hey, Em! You ready to go?" Emerson asked as she and Candy walked into the kitchen. Emily turned in her seat, "Emerson, I already told you, you're fourteen years old I'm sixteen years old. I'm not taking you trick-or-treating." "But Emily, Candy is still thirteen. This is her last chance to go out on Halloween, but her mom said she could only go if I went with her, and Mom said I can only go if you go!" Emerson argued. "Yeah, but Janet and I have plans." Emily replied. 'Where you going to play 'Go Fis

Q & A Tag...With Claire?!

"Claire, please don't offend anyone."
"Aww, you know me. I just tell it like it is."


Hey guys! Claire here. And I have been nominated to do the AG Q and A tag, by Maryellen!
So here's the rules:


Create your own AG Q&A Tag button . If you don’t know how, you can skip this step.

Thank and give a link to the blog of the person that nominated you.

Nominate 3-5 other AG doll bloggers.

Come up with at least five questions for the dolls that you nominate. You can include your questions on your post, or send them to your nominees.

Do not ask any personal or inappropriate questions.
Have your doll that was nominated answer the questions given.

 List these rules on your blog post.

 Notify the people/dolls that you nominate and send them a link to your post. 

And I am terrible at talking on camera so let's just do this.

#1: Which of your sisters don't you always get along with? Why?

"Well, Charlie is really hard not to get along with... and our new sister-who-shall-not-be-named and I are friends... so I guess that means Taryn. And it's probably because we're biological sisters. (You won't get it unless you have one.)

#2: Do you have any doll friends outside of your family?

Wait a sec, are you asking if I'm anti-social? (JK) 
Yes, I do. Some of which are Lindsey, Leonie, Tara, Saila, Charlsea, and Alexi. :)

#3 What is something your human does that annoys you.

Ugh, too many to count. But it is annoying when she lets my sisters use my laptop in photostories.

#4 What is your favorite movie?

Oh! The Lego Batman Movie is THE. BEST.

#5 What is your most favorite toy you own?
Well, of course, my R2 D2 toy!

So that's it! Now first my questions are:
#1 If you could chose which doll was your next sister, who would you choose?
#2 How many pets are in your doll house?
#3 If you could dye your hair any colour, what would you choose?
#4 Who is your favorite AG Tuber?
#5 What is something your sisters do that annoys you?

And I nominate,

Maddie from Dolls N' All
Rebecca from Doll Notebook
Sklar from AG Doll Adventures
Grace from Smile and Craft AG

Congrats, and all that stuff. I gotta get back 25 Days of Summer on Foreveranddollways!

~ Claire


  1. Great job Claire! Your answers were AWESOME! Ah yes! The Lego Batman Movie is the best :D Love the Star Wars picture and R2-D2 as well. You know Alexi? That's so cool! I bet she's really cool :)
    -Katie :)

  2. Aww this was awesome! Great job Claire!

  3. YASSS Foreveranddollways rocks! I'm so glad she does those! :)

    And nice job Claire! :D

    1. IKR?! I've only watched like one of her videos and I'm addicted! XD


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