Hi guys!
So, weather.
It does not cooperate. Ever. For two weeks now I've been trying to take the four outdoor scenes I need for my new intro series, but when ever I go outside it's either so hot with crazy bright light, or windy cloudy and rainy. >:(
But I'll get it eventually. So this is a behind the scenes post to show you the two very special outfits I made for this series!
I didn't get to show a lot of my favorite details about them in the story, so I thought I would do it here instead!
I hope you like them!
So, here is the full view of both of the outfits I wanted to show you.
This will be Claire outfit and, obviously, she will be modeling it.
I had been thinking about the clothes I wanted for this story, and I was so thrilled when I found Felicity's Pretty Clothes pattern from American Girl to download for free! This outfit is Felicity's Jacket and Petticoat.
(You can find the pattern here: Link)
Here is the skirt. (The petticoat) It's made out of really stiff material, so it 'poofs' very nicely.
And here is the top. (Or jacket) I just love the colour!
You don't understand how long it takes to lace this up though. XD
Then this beautiful bonnet was made by my friend for my birthday. Thanks, Victoria! <3
Back view.
I really love this....um, tail thingy? IDK, I just think it's cute.
I also like how the shoulders have a little bit of puff. :)

Kit is going to be modeling my favorite dress, which will be for my new doll.
Full view.
This was also made from AG's pattern mentioned above but this is a variation of Felicity's Christmas Gown
It took literally forever to pleat this ribbon. I used so many pins it was insane.
I did take a little creative licence with the ribbon design. As you can see I changed it from the pattern but I absolutely love how it turned out! <3
The skirt has a plain white crinoline underneath.
Now on the bodice I kind of did my own thing. I cut the back of the stomacher out of lace, I took two small pieces of pink ribbon and two clear beads and added them to the front.
A view of the horribly mess back. It's held closed with a safety pin because I wasn't sure how I was going to put Velcro on...so I didn't. XD
But those are the two special outfits I made for this story. Altogether it probably took two weeks to make both of these dresses but I had so much fun doing it!
Do you have any guesses about my new story? Or my new doll? Let me know in the comments!
~ The Human
Oh my goodness those are incredible!!! I love the blue one :D you pleated ALL that ribbon!?! Wow! That's so amazing, I would have totally messed that part up XD hmmm, maybe the blue one's for royalty? I can't wait for the new series!
ReplyDelete- Katie :)
P.s. How's your TLC doll coming along? I can't wait to see her! The wig came for mine came but it had a bald patch in the front so I had to return it :(
Thank you! I think the blue one it my favorite too. Hmmm, maybe you're close... Me neither!
Delete~ The Human
P.S. Pretty good. I'm going to be listing her on ebay soon. :) Ahhh, that's terrible! Where did you get it from?
You're welcome :) cool! How much are you selling her for? I bought the wig from A Houseful of Dolls and More, the lady was very nice and was very sad to hear that the wig had this problem. We sent her a picture of the problem and she said it looked like it was cut incorrectly.
Delete-Katie :)
Well, because she is retired and in very good condition, I'm hoping to get $100. But we'll see. :) Well, I'm glad she was so nice about returning it.
Delete~ The Human
Those are so stunning! I absolutely LOVE them! You've put a lot of work into those. The new series is going to be awesome, I know it already!!
ReplyDelete~ Light4theLord
Thanks! I can't wait to post the first part! It's going to take some time but thankfully I have one more BTS post. :)
Delete~ The Human
You made those?! They look awesome! Good job :D
Yes. Thank you! :)
Delete~ The Human